START HERE -----> Inserting ACTIVITIES for student engagement

1. Inserting activities

The Activity chooser pane appears when you have the editing turned on and you click the link 'Add an activity or resource' in the section you wish to add your learning content. This video and the text underneath it explain what it does.

Video tutorial

 If you don't see the 'Add an activity or resource' link,  (and instead you see two drop down menus) check with your Moodle administrator. Perhaps you have an older Moodle version or the feature has been turned off.

Learners interact with an activity; whereas they simply view a resource

The Activity chooser shows all activities the administrator has enabled. They might include non-standard, extra (add-on) activities such as, Big Blue Button, a contributed web conferencing module.

To find out more about a particular activity or resource, click the radio button next to it and read the information which appears. A link to the documentation gives more details

To add a particular activity or resource, click the Add button at the bottom or simply click the radio button twice.

Documentation links:

Activity chooser on the Course home page
(These  Moodle documentation links open in a new window.)