Sample: A Book...and how it is different from a Page

Course: A beginner's guide to eLearn
Book: Sample: A Book...and how it is different from a Page
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Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024, 7:53 AM


Use a Book when you anticipate having numerous pages on a related topic. Rather than have several pages listed on the Moodle course page, you can have a single Book.

1. Page 1

chapter 1This is the content for page 1.  For some reason, Moodle calls them chapters rather than pages.

 You can insert images and videos into the book pages to make the learning more fun for the student

There are two options for navigating through the book: 1)  the left and right arrows, and 2) the Table of contents. 

book with navigation

2. Page 2

Here is the content for page 2...with a video embedded for good measure. A Book is not particularly interactive, but the teacher can insert images, videos, and links to Moodle activities (choice, forum, etc) to make the experience more engaging.  

3. Page 3

A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. 

A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. A third and final page for this BOOK. Books can have as many pages as you want. 

View the tutorial videos for Pages and Books here: