START HERE -----> Inserting ACTIVITIES for student instruction and assessment

6. A brief overview of the Moodle gradebook

This video and the text underneath it explain what and where is Moodle's gradebook.

Video tutorial

Each course in Moodle has its own gradebook which is accessed from  the Grades link in the nav drawerStudents can see this too but see only their own grades. Teachers see a list of course participants with their grades for each activity. (Note that students can see all their grades for all courses from the link in the user menu top right.)

The gradebook shows only  student grades by default. If teachers do the graded activities, their grades are not normally shown.

Grades can be edited and manually entered here. It is also possible to put graded activities into categories and have category grade totals as well as a course grade total.

While Moodle has a default grading scale of 1- 100, teachers can create their own custom scales and apply them to activities also.

Grades may be exported to a spreadsheet to make it easy for the teacher to transfer those scores into whatever student information system (SIS) is used by the school district.

Exploring all the powerful features of Moodle's gradebook is beyond the scope of this course but it is highly recommended to read the documentation and explore its possibilities further.

Documentation links


(This  Moodle documentation link opens in a new window.)