I was working as a special ed. instructional assistant in a Junior High when the "Stay In Place" order. Even though I used to take online classes, working with special students in the distance learning program was the most challenging for me. Not only because it is harder to get their attention to work on any subject behind a screen, but because the daily schedules for them changed. I am concern about going back to school in fall under distance learning because for students to succeed, it needs to create a team, technology, district, teachers, assistants, students, and parents. Based on my experience during this time, parents who support their children by scheduling a specific time for schoolwork, online support, and video conferences children did all their assignments. But, some parents do not have the technology, the time, or the effort to support them.
I can't agree more. I am so nervous to see how things will play out. I know my kids are not distant learners. I just hope they come up with a plan that will benefit all students, parents and teachers. It would be wonderful to have a choice to send your children to school or distant learn; I feel if the parent feels safe, so will the child.