I really liked the quizzizz and pear deck programs that were introduced to us on Tuesday both caught my attention for use in k-12 classes, they could both potentially be implemented in my classes. What caught my attention about quizzizz was the competitive nature of the game, if you were not quick enough with your response you received fewer points and then at the end you saw your ranking. I think that it can be turned into a teachable moment in that whether you win or lose knowing how to cope with losses is a "Grit" life skill drawing from Angela Duckworth's work and subsequent book titled "GRIT". I think that I could definitely use this with my adult classes.
I liked Pear Deck for the interactive features as it gives students the option to interact beyond a chat room especially with on-line learning. I really like the easy sign on with the single code, no emails and logins. The downside for me is that at the moment I am only scheduled to teach adults in the Fall 2020 semester soo I don't think that it will work in this instance.
I hope everyone has a great night!