Downing, Sonja

Downing, Sonja

por Sonja Downing -
Número de respuestas: 2

Good Evening,

this was a very cool course I really liked being introduced to so many different ways to utilize technology in the k-12 classroom. I am somewhat new to teaching young people and think that with all the technology that they use how cool it is that we can meet in the middle. I saw recently somewhere that some brilliant teacher somewhere was using Tik Tok to have her kids orate their book reports, while there might be some privacy issue I'd definitely look into it before using any social media with minor students. The applications like Pear Deck and Qizzizz make learning fun!

I have some experience with using technology with adults but the rules are different for adult learning environments. Although at the community college level I have had students as young as 12 years old so there is that.

It has been both an honor and a privilege to be in this class with all of you!

En respuesta a Sonja Downing

Re: Downing, Sonja

por Dana Jensen -

Hello Sonja,

This was a cool class. I don't think it matters how old you are technology is engaging. It is nice to have a bag full of resources to captivate and inspire the minds of tomorrow. Or as you pointed out to make the learning experience fun with tools like Quizzizz. Thanks for sharing. Take care. 

En respuesta a Sonja Downing

Re: Downing, Sonja

por kevin Hernandez -
Hello Sonja, interesting that some teacher would use Tik Tok for kids orating book reports. It is a great idea, but at my school site they have a zero tolerance policy on cell phones. Maybe I could figure out how to get it on a tablet, but I would also have to know my students age range first. I could either be in a HS class or MS class next fall.
Take care!