I enjoyed the little bit of distance learning that I was assigned with my job as Behavior Technician for Santa Cruz City Schools when we went on Shelter In Place. Since I work more with Social and Emotional Learning than with academics, my colleague and I held weekly Zoom meetings in the primary grades called 'Lunch Bunch.' We would just chat with the students and have themed conversations. It was an opportunity for some of the at-risk students to stay connected with their peers and the school.
We also filmed drawings that the kids were entered into. The videos were uploaded onto Youtube and then the teachers put the link on their Google Classroom.
As for returning this fall, I'm open to whatever the situation may call for. I am happy to be learning new tech skills so I can be more equipped to work with distance learning. I hope it will be at least a hybrid format, I think that it will be. Most people want to go back to school, however there will probably be adjustments to follow new social distancing regulations.
Thanks for reading :)