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Pre-Service Course List
Year One Course List
Year Two Course List
EDUC 100 Educational Foundations Course Outline
EDUC 100 Educational Foundations Syllabus
EDUC 110 Learning and Development Course Outline
EDUC 110 Learning and Development Syllabus
EDUC 120 Diverse Learners Course Outline
EDUC 120 Diverse Learners Syllabus
EDUC 130 Learning Environment Course Outline
EDUC 130 Learning Environment Syllabus
EDUC 140 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Course Outline
EDUC 140 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Syllabus
ES 200 Assessment and Development of the IEP, Goals and Transition Plan Course Outline
ES 210 Autism Spectrum Strategies and Communication Course Outline
ES 220 Exceptional Learners: Differentiation and Positive Behavior Course Outline
ES 225 English Learner Instructional Practices Course Outline
ES 230 Beginning Reading Course Outline
ES 240 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse / Collaboration Course Outline
ES 250 & 260 Practicum Supervision Overview
ES 300 History, Philosophy and Law Course Outline
ES 310 Typical and Atypical Development / Communication and Behavior Course Outline
ES 320 Curriculum and Instruction Mild/Mod Course Outline
ES 330 Curriculum and Instruction Mod/Severe Course Outline
ES 340-A Curriculum and Instruction / Math Syllabus
ES 340-B Building Academic Language Syllabus
ES 350 Health, Movement, Mobility and Sensory Development Syllabus
Es 360 & 370 Practicum Supervision Overview
Pre-Service Course List ►