EDUC 130 Learning Environment Course Outline
COURSE TITLE: Learning Environment
Candidates acquire skills for managing and organizing a classroom with first and second language learner, students from diverse backgrounds, and of varying abilities. Candidates examine their own experiences as learners and explore how those experiences affect their beliefs as teachers. Candidates will examine classroom environments and instruction as they impact the classroom learning community. Topics covered will include organizing the classroom, planning and teaching rules and procedures, managing academic work, maintaining good behavior. This course will include interaction with practicing teachers in the full range of service delivery model. This course includes interaction with the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS).
Candidates will have an understanding of positive behavior management in order to design an effective classroom environment which supports the needs of all students, particularly EL and students with disabilities.
Title: Creating Conditions for Learning
Edition: 9.1
Author: Carolyn M. Everston, PD. D.
Publisher: Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLO): Upon Completion of this course the student will:
Understand information related to positive behavior management
Plan and implement classroom rules and procedures.
Understand a variety of terms related to positive behavioral management and intervention
Have the ability to collaborate and consult with parents and school personnel
Have the ability to research information and effective strategies for specific behavioral concerns using technology
Have the ability to develop appropriate interventions and behavioral plans
Plan and use instructional strategies, activities, and material that appeal to and challenge all learning styles
Understand the importance of and explore the principles behind effective collaboration between general education and special education staff
Examine current research regarding positive behavioral management strategies for students with complex behavioral needs
Collaborate and consult with other professionals on positive behavioral management/behavior interventions
Create accommodations and modifications to meet the needs of all students, particularly EL and students with disabilities
Utilize and integrate technology as an accommodation and/or modification to meet the needs of all students, particularly EL and students with disabilities
Program Standards | Specialty Standards |
PS. 10 | M/M 4 |
PS 12 | M/S 6 |
PS 14 | |
PS 15 |
Program Design Standards:
PS 1: Program Design, Rationale and Coordination
PS 2: Professional, Legal and Ethical Practices
PS 3: Education Diverse Learners
PS 4: Effective Communication and Collaborative Partnerships
PS 5: Assessment of Students
PS 6: Using Educational and Assistive Technology
PS 7: Transition and Transitional Planning
PS 8: Participating in ISFP/IEPs and Post-Secondary Transition Planning
Preliminary Teaching Standards
PS 9: Preparation to Teach Reading/Language Arts
PS10: Preparation to Teach English Language Learners
PS11: Typical and Atypical Development
PS12: Behavioral, Social, and Environmental Supports for Learning
PS13: Curriculum and Instruction of Students with Disabilities
PS14: Creating Healthy Learning Environments
PS15: Field Experience in a Broad Range of Service Delivery Options
PS16: Assessment of Candidate Performance
Specialty Standards – Mild/Moderate:
MM1 – M/M Standard 1: Characteristics of Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities
MM2 – M/M Standard 2: Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities
MM3 – M/M Standard 3: Planning and Implementing Mild/Moderate Curriculum Instruction
MM4 – M/M Standard 4: Positive Behavior Support
MM5 – M/M Standard 5: Specific Instructional Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities
Mm6 – M/M Standard 6: Case Management
Specialty Standards – Moderate/Severe:
MS1 – M/S Standard 1: Learning Characteristics of Individuals with Moderate/Severe Disabilities
MS2 – M/S Standard 2: Communication Skills
MS3 – M/S Standard 3: Developing Social Interaction Skills and Facilitating Social Context
MS4 – M/S Standard 4: Assessment, Program Planning and Instruction
MS5 – M/S Standard 5: Movement, Mobility, Sensory and Specialized Health Care
MS6 – M/S Standard 6: Positive Behavioral Support
MS7 – M/S Standard 7: Transition and Transitional Planning
MS8 – M/S Standard 8: Augmentative and Alternative Communication