explore Explore

Game Rules:

  • Try to find someone to play this along with you.  If you don't have anyone to play with, pick your two favorites rivals (sports teams, superheroes, or fictional characters).  Play as if you are assigning the points to one team/superhero/character as Player A and the second as Player B.
  • Player A chooses one of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 and places that many counters (chips, pennies, beans, fingers, etc...) on the table. The player also records that amount in visual form and as a number.
  • Player B chooses a number from the same set, and adds it on to the first player’s counters. That player records the amount in visual form and as a number in a different color than the first player.
  • The players continue to take turns choosing a number from the set, adding it to the previous total and recording.
  • The player who makes it to the total of 25 wins!

See handouts pictured below as examples:

Page 1 of handout

Page 2 of handout

Last modified: Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 8:07 AM