My experience with distance learning during this stay in place order was actually quite easy as I preemptively took a course on how to teach on Canvas that was sponsored by an employer called CMOIT short for Certified Master Online Instructor Training. Since that training, I have been placing all my course content in the Canvas course shell and it has done several things for not only myself but for my students. It makes all course materials accessible 24/7 and if you have a student homesick or taking care of one of their children then they had the same access to the same information as if they had actually been to the lecture. For me, I stopped having to carry around massive amounts of student work to grade and could simply just pull out my iPhone and grade from the app.
When this pandemic happened and we had to switch from in-person to fully online in a matter of days and out of 21 students in one of my classes I only lost two in the last few weeks of the class due to personal reasons. All in all, I felt pretty successful and then I gave them the end of course survey and ......
I was 100% correct all the students who completed the survey stated that my class was the simplest in making the transition!
When it comes to returning back to an in-person classroom in the Fall I am not terribly worried and yet I am cautiously optimistic! I definitely will be educating students about good hand hygiene and social distancing. If I teach on-line that will be fine too, as I am well prepared and willing to make lots of mistakes and teachable moments.